Tuesday 8 November 2011

Introducing the Fairies and their adventures...

The Fairies Adventures
Once upon a time, at the bottom of the garden, lived many tiny creatures in their own world. They have to hide when humans come to the bottom of the garden. There is a hole in the fence, that is where the little town is.
There are many fairies, pixies, elves, sprites, dryads, goblins, and leprechauns, but the main characters are Pine the Pixie, Ellie the Elf, Sally the Sprite, Dandelion the Dryad, Gary the Goblin, Larry the Leprechaun, Norman the Gnome, Ben the Elf, Paul the Pixie, Susan the sprite, Dom the Dryad, Goody the Goblin, Lucy the Leprechaun and last of all Evie the Elf.
Pine the Pixie is a grumpy pixie. His house is in a pine bush. He lives alone but he likes it like that, he loves to paint.
Ellie the Elf is cheerful but shy. She loves nature and animals. She has a sister called Evie, they are very different.
Sally the Sprite is a messy sprite. She doesn’t mean to be messy, but when she flys she leaves LOADS of sprite dust, more than the fairies.
Dandelion the Dryad loves flowers; she is best friends with sally the sprite.
She has a twin brother, Dom; they say the same things at the same time sometimes.
Gary the Goblin is very naughty. He steals loads of stuff. His best buddy is Goody Goblin, although he is called goody, he is not so goody at all.
Larry the Leprechaun is the detective of the town. He solves mysteries that the goblins have usually have caused.
Norman the Gnome is the doorman of the flats (known as Norman the doorman). He is a bit dumb.
Ben the Elf is your average everyday elf.
Paul the Pixie is like a police officer, if anyone needs help that’s who they will go to.
Susan the sprite is a scaredy cat. She is afraid of heights, all animals, bugs, balls, mirrors (because she scares her self) and even pancakes. Susan is one of the youngest of all the creatures, she is 10 years old.
Dom the Dryad is... well.... ordinary. His twin sister is Dandelion. They live in the flats.
Lucy the Leprechaun is shy, and not very confident. She is a vegetarian.
“WAKE UP!” screamed Dandelion
“Ok ok, no need to scream down my ear” said Dom “why are you so excited anyway?”
“BECAUSE, you promised to take me flower picking” said Dandelion putting her shoes on.
“Hold on, I need to get dressed first” said Dom walking to his wardrobe.
Meanwhile Pine the Pixie was painting a picture of Sally the Sprite.
“Hold still” demanded Pine
“I’m trying!” said Sally on one leg. Sally fell over onto the paper and then landed on the paint pad.
Pine's face went red and he stormed off. Sally sat there with red paint on her head.
Dom and Dandelion were at the flower picking place. Suddenly the ground started to shake, a passing elf screamed “HUMANS!” every fairy and pixie flew away.
Sally (with red hair) flew away leaving pixie dust behind her.
The humans were talking about the mini tree that sally was behind.
Then, the humans found a little pouch filled with dust, it was sally's magic, without it she can't fly! Sally gasped in horror, already her wings started to disappear. As the human walked into the house, Sally tried to fly “ARRRGG” she growled.
“Not to worry, I'm a detective!” said Larry the Leprechaun from a distance. He walked over, “to start..... Who took the pouch?” he asked
“The human” Sally replied
“Right, where did the human go?” asked Larry writing this all down on a note pad.
Sally pointed to the house
“Right” he said. Larry carried on.
Meanwhile Dandelion was busy picking flowers and Dom was...... well paying for them.
“Finished!” shouted Dandelion
“Great!” Dom replied
They walked to the checkout, "that will be £250 please”.
Dom was angry, but he still paid.
“GET ON WITH IT!” screamed Sally who was desperately missing her magic dust..
“Now, I think the pouch is in the big house” said Larry
Sally was very angry. “Ok, I'm going in” she said cleaning the red paint off her head.
“NO!” screamed a fairy in the background
"Someone will have to go with you" said Larry "right?" he said looking at her.
"Yup!" she replied
"Not me, I'm afraid of the big house" said Susan
"We will!!" said Dandelion and Dom at the same time
"Two twins! just what I need" said Sally sarcasticly
"Here" Larry handed her a pouch of dust "It will make you fly, it won't last forever remember"
"ok" Sally promised
Sally, Dom and Dandelion all headed to the house.
The Big House!!!
Dom, Sally and Dandelion went through the cat flap.
"Let's hope Mr Fluff ball (the cat) is out" whispered Dom
"Don't bring it up" whispered Sally
"MEOWW!!” "Too late" said Dom suddenly stopping. THUMP ! "Hide!" said Dom rushing.
The three of them hid in the fridge "not the best place to hide, I'll admit" said Dom.
"Ya think?" said Dandelion as Sally knocked over a cup of cream
"And I'll admit I'm messy" said Sally truthfully
"Ya think?" said Dom and Dandelion at the same time.
"Brrrr" shivered Dom "Fluffy is gone!"
They all climbed out the fridge "phew, I thought I'd freeze" muttered Dom
"Eeeeeep! Don't move!" whispered Sally
"Why?" asked Dandelion
"Mr Fluff ball is right there"
replied sally. Sally reached into her pocket and pulled out the pouch from Larry, she sprinkled it over her self.
Because dryads can't fly she grabbed both their hands and shot up into the air. She flew over Mr Fluff ball, out of the kitchen and down to the ground.
"Thank you Sally" said Dom and Dandelion at the same time, as Sally opened her mouth to speak THUMP! "Hide!!!!!!!" whispered Dandelion. Dandelion and Dom hid in the hall but Sally had no time so she jumped into the bedroom on the right THUMP! The child went into the room and shut the door, Sally was now trapped "can u hear me?" came a voice from the other side of the door
"I'm here" replied Sally "I'm trapped" she added.
"We know" said Dandelion
"How am i going to get out?" said Sally THUMP! "Gotta hide!" said Sally getting in a draw, the child human went out the room and shut the door behind her, Sally came out the draw holding her pouch "I found my pouch!" she said excitedly.
"Now you just need to get out" said Dom against the door
"But how do I?" asked Sally,
"We don't know!!" said Dom and Dandelion walking away
"Where are you going?” asked Sally.
"To the kitchen, we're hungry, we'll be back in about half an hour!" said Dom.
Half an hour later a string came under the . "Grab on!" screamed Dandelion, "and we will pull you out".
" YAY" said Sally holding the pouch in the air "now lets get out of here" she added. They all got home and sally had her pouch again.
Norman the gnome
Unfortunately Norman the Gnome is not a very good doorman. For example, once Norman was on duty and fell asleep, while he was snoozing Gary the Goblin stole a cup of special hot chocolate and Sally the Sprite had to stop him.
“Wake up!” screamed Ben the Elf
“Huh? What did I miss?” said Norman waking up
“You WILL miss gnome class” replied Ben
“Right! Thanks Ben!” said Norman running off.
While unfit Norman was running to school, Ellie and Evie Elf were trying to stand still while Pine the Pixie was painting them.
“How much longer do we have to stay like this Pine?” said Ellie moaning
“Shouldn’t be long” replied Pine,
“How much longer do we need to stay Pine?” asked Evie
“AS I SAID shouldn’t be long” said Pine painting.
“Done!” shouted Pine
“Finally” said Evie, Pine turned round the paper so the girls could see...
“An APPLE?” screamed Ellie and Evie
“What were we here for then” Evie asked
“Well, I needed someone to talk to!” said Pine honestly. Ellie and Evie stormed off.
“Long division today class” said Normans teacher, she carried on “3 divided by 3 = 1, 10 divided by 7 is 1 with 3 remaining” said the teacher writing it down on a white board, “oww man” thought Norman “I can’t do it, I can’t do it” thought Norman some more “I JUST CAN’T!” screamed Norman out loud ”oops” he whispered. Next thing you know Norman is getting sent to the head teacher’s office.
“I don’t do detention” thought Norman “Stupid head teachers!” he thought “STUPID TEACHERS!” he shouted out loud
“Come with me Norman”!!! Said the head teacher coming out the office.
Norman had to stay after class and wash the dirty dinner plates” well look at the bright side Norman” he said to himself “at least no detention”
The strange creatures
Today was the day when something was suppose to happen In fairy land (It‘s a type of holiday). All the fairies and pixies thought it would happen to them.
“Arhhh!” yawned Dom, something had woken him up, and he went out to see.
There, in the sky, were many bees and something was on them, they were pillywiggins. Pillywiggins come from Ireland and Britain. They eat pollen, to get the best pollen they ride on bees. Pillywiggins are nice and they have wings.
“What are you?” asked Dom
“We are pillywiggins we come in peace, we came to live here!!” replied Poppy Pillywiggin. “Ok, I’m Dom and this is Evie and Ellie Elf and my twin sister Dandelion”.
“ Cool, I’m Poppy Pillywiggin and this is my cousin Paddy, that is Sandy Pilly Wiggin and over there is Filly the Fairy, Tom pillywiggin and last but not least Daphne the Dryad” said Poppy Pillywiggin.
“We accept your arrival” said Ellie Elf
“You must be the special thing that happens today then” said Dom proudly.
An hour later Poppy and Paddy pillywiggin were buying a flat that was for sale. “Ok Poppy, we need to find our flat now, what is the number?” said Paddy.
“Number 39” replied Poppy “let’s go find it!”
They went up a lift, across a hall and to their left, up some stairs, and............. “Number 39!” said paddy. They started to look around; it was quite big for a flat.
It had One Huge Bedroom with two beds and a mini bathroom, a main bathroom, a kitchenette, and the couch and TV at the other side of the room.
“Wow! lets start to unpack then” said Paddy, just as they opened their bags the doorbell rang “Hi” said Poppy answering the door “what can I do for you today?” she added.
Larry was whispering something into her ear.
“I don’t get it, who is Banree” said poppy
“Nooo Banshee” said Larry.
“Oh ok..............Who is she and what about her?” said Poppy
Larry whispered some more.
Banshee’s Curse

"Spread the word!!" said Larry PillyWiggin to Poppy pillywiggin
"Larry, Banshee dont exist" said Paul the pixie,
"Does! I saw her last night, Banshee carries a comb, you will be cursed if u pick it up and the only way to get rid of the curse is to get rid of the comb but it's impossible to get rid of it, if you leave it behind it will follow you everywhere you go." said Larry truthfully.
"So if she DOES but I'm not saying that she does, how would you get rid of the curse?" asked Paul
"Easy! All you have to do is give back the comb to Banshee her self"
"Do I have to spell it out for you? B A N S H E E  DOESN'T EXIST!!" said Paul screaming in his ear.
"Um humm, you won't be spelling when you find a comb and get the curse" said Larry crossing his arms.
While they were arguing Poppy and Paddy pillywiggin were unpacking in their new flat. They had been packing for quite a while but it took longer when Poppy needed to answer the door. It was now night time and Paddy and Poppy were still packing, "look Poppy, there is a old lady sitting in a tree!" said Paddy,
"That's no old lady! That's Banshee. What ever you do don't pick up a comb tomorrow" said Poppy. Paddy nodded.
It was morning; Paul the pixie finished his honey and flew out his window.
He flew past the tree that Banshee was sitting in last night; Paul saw a comb and said "Pfff" he picked the comb up!!!!
Then he heard a voice in his head saying "that's what you get for not believing in me" Paul shook his head and put the comb back on the floor and went to his flat.
When he got back he opened his draw to put his hat in there and sat in the draw was................... the comb with a note attached to it, it read......
I will be out every night to curse you.
p.s I'm watching you.
Paul was secretly scared. He stormed off to find Larry.
"LARRY!" screamed Paul banging on his door
"What now?" asked Larry answering the door.
"Did you write this!!??" said Larry holding up the letter
"Pfff. NO! WOAH! WAIT! That's Banshee's comb behind you!!" said Larry
"You picked it up didn't you?" said Larry happily.
"N-n-n no" lied Paul
"You're cursed!!" said Larry dancing. What has happened so far?" He added. Paul was about to open his mouth a fly went in it "COUGH COUGH" coughed Paul.
"BAD LUCK! Banshee must be around!" Chuckled Larry "in fact, she is right behind you!" Larry chuckled some more.
"Ouch!" screamed Paul as Banshee combed his knotted hair, Banshee vanished. "Oh, I forgot to tell you that she dose that......But only after your dead" said Larry truthfully.
"DEAD!!!!!!!" Shouted Paul.
The lift of Banshee's Curse
"HA HA! We will have to find her, but how? Hmmmm" Larry wondered “I’ve got it, we ask filly the fairy is she can turn us into birds and then we go wait in the tree for Banshee” he added.
“Hi filly!” said Paul waving at her
“Hold on a sec, I’m doing a spell to make these flowers come to life again......”said Filly doing a spell. While Paul and Larry were waiting they were looking in Filly’s spell book. “So boys what do you want?” said Filly taking the spell book back.
“Could you make us into birds?” wondered Paul
“Sure! Just stand there” she said pointing to the ground. “Ibbidy dibbidy dibble make them invisible” said Filly waving her wand “there you go boys” she added, “we wanted to be birds not invisible” said Paul "how can you miss THAT?" He added
 “Ok ok sorry, these dumbos want to be birds not invisable, BIRDS!” she said waving her wand “But you will turn back into your self at midnight” Filly said
“Yeah yeah, we get it its Cinderella all over again” said Paul flying away.
"TWEET" Larry tweeted.
Paul and Larry sat in the tree next to banshee, they were waiting until midnight, "TWEET, I'm scared of her" whispered Paul TICK TICK went the clock. Soon enough Larry was back to Larry and Paul was back to Paul
"Hhhhh hi banshee sorry I picked up your comb"Paul handed her the comb
Banshee went and took the comb with her. Tweet a wooo went the owl Paul flew away sacredly and Larry ran home.

The human


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