Monday, 9 April 2012

Do Vampires excist? Here is the answer!

Lots of people ask if Vampires exist, well I say they do. But it doesn't matter what I say, it matters what the real answer is. Well, anything is possible!

Scientists say that Vampires (A.K.A The cold ones) Do exist.  But not in the way that you see them in movies.  Ordinary people are classed as vampires if they have:
  • Cold and (at least a bit) pale skin
  • Red, goldish-brown or just colour-changing eyes in whatever colour anyway
  • People who hardly ever blink
  • People who have a fear of blood
  • People who (Not so much a fear) but don't paticularly like the light/sun
  • People who have an obessive addiction to counting things
  • People who remember the slightest of details (If you mention something in a conversation that doesn't matter, then they bring it up even when it is nothing that is important)
  • And people who think that some things (appart from meat) have no taste what-so-ever!
That is what Scientists say, and I am not lying. I found it on  So I hope that answers your question. If you have at least 3 things of above then you are classed as A Vampire.  Also, Vampires don't drink blood in real life. They just do that in movies.  Lol ha ha! xxx

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